Acting Questions


by Elizabeth (Indiana) Actress91 QUESTION: What questions do you need to ask yourself to figure out your typecasting? Thank you and God bless. ANSWER: Look at this article on finding your type. It has a list of questions to narrow down what you could be cast as.

Acting Questions

I want to be an actor, i need some help

by Gabriel (Ixtlán del Rio, Nayarit, Mexico) QUESTION: Hi there, my name is Gabriel, and i am from Mexico, recently i`ve thinking very much about being an actor, I`m 22 years old,i spent the past three years studying Graphic Design and to be honest i suck at this profession, so recently i was inspired by […]

Acting Tips

Help Starting my Acting Career

QUESTION: Hi, my name Anastazia and i want to be an actress. I’m 18 years old and I’m graduating high school in June. I have never acted in my life. My school holds a play every year and I only got a small, non-verbal role. I live in a small town in up-state New York […]